You’re thinking about getting your pet spayed or neutered, but you want to weigh all your options first. By understanding as much as you can about these two surgical procedures for pets, you can decide whether spay/neuter surgery is right for your cat or dog.
What Is Spaying and Neutering?
Spaying and neutering are two types of surgeries for pets that curb reproduction. Spaying is a surgical procedure for female animals in which the ovaries are taken out. Neutering is a surgical procedure for male animals. The entire testes may be taken out, or just parts of them.
What Are the Benefits of Spay/Neuter?
Spaying or neutering your pets will make their lives and yours easier and better in a multitude of ways. You don’t have to worry about your pet accidentally getting pregnant. You’d then have to raise a litter of puppies or kittens. Even if you didn’t keep them, these pets could end up homeless. There are already thousands upon thousands of homeless pets out there that need homes; don’t add to that number if you don’t have to.
You will also have a better-behaved pet. Both cats and dogs will stop being so aggressive, mounting and humping, spraying urine, experiencing “heat,” and running away to reproduce. Also, your pets will be healthier. Spaying/neutering cuts down on the rates of prostate issues, testicular cancer, breast tumors, and uterine infections.
When to Get Your Pet Spayed and Neutered
It’s best if your pet is at least eight or nine weeks before you take them in them for spay/neuter surgery. They must also weigh two pounds and up. If you’re concerned you may be trying to get your pet spayed or neutered too early, just ask your vet. They should be able to advise you on the best time for this surgery.
Once the surgery is performed, you will have to take special care of your puppy or kitten to ensure a fast recovery. The incision should not be reddened, swollen, or infected, and if it is, it requires veterinary care. You will have to keep your pet away from water (including the bath) and monitor your pet’s behavior so they don’t rip open the incision through biting or licking. You also want to make sure they don’t jump and run too much.